I am holding the vision for The Yellow Coat to appear in a Hard Cover addition. I am both writer and publisher with very little capital to even be thinking about doing this, however when I see a vision this clearly I have no right not to make it come alive. I keep on moving forward against all financial odds asking friends, family and strangers to please pre- buy a copy of this beautiful book.
Last week my angel investors came to me, as if in a dream and I cried. To know that I have two amazing friends that believe in me, and The Yellow Coat project, is very moving and I am extremely grateful for your presence in my life. A thousand thank yous. Also, thank you to everyone who pre-bought a hard bound copy.
The books are in the ocean now, traveling to our shore so that they can be in your mailboxes by mid October, if all goes as planned. Which I believe it will.
Don’t hide your light under a bushel-basket. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.