What’s New? I am now offering a sound journey in my massage sessions using the spirit of the Andean rattle. A great way to let go of the mind and allow the body to receive.
I am also experimenting with a few Hot Stones to warm you up and allow more heat to penetrate through your muscles.
Holiday Gift Certificates are available for yourself, friends and family. Save when you purchase a package of 6 massages for $744.

And now it's only 1 day until Thanksgiving. Are you ready to meet and greet your family with less stress and more enjoyment?
Book a discovery call if you need to talk and go into the feelings that may be arising for you this year.
Here are a few easy steps to follow:
Use your breath on every occasion. Become conscious of how you are breathing or if you have stopped breathing.
Deep breath in… to the count of five… you can try it right now as you are reading… long x-hale out to the count of five…do it two more times… feel into your feet, flatten them onto the floor where you are standing (or sitting) imagine the earth below the floor and let yourself sink into that feeling of being grounded and steady and planted. Put one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. Say thank you.

If something or someone comes around and you feel upset take a breath, ground with your toes, into the floor, into the earth, inhale…to the count of five…. x-hale to the count of five.
In this way, you can bend more easily, swaying with the breeze instead of being knocked down by what may feel like a big wind.
Hydration is key!
Keeping hydrated is an important part of staying healthy. Water promotes cardiovascular health, keeps your body cool, helps muscles and joints work better, and keeps skin supple.

This week’s hydration recipe: Cranberry Water
Cranberries or cranberry juice ( 100 % juice, not cocktail)
orange wedges
rosemary sprig
Crush a few raw cranberries and place them in a jar, tea cup, or mug and add boiling water, steep as you would steep your tea. You can also substitute pure cranberry juice or add a bit to the crushed berries. Squeeze in an orange wedge. Add a sprig of rosemary.
A little bit of sourness is good to help balance all the sweetness you are about to eat. ( I know I will be enjoying a decedent, delicious slice of chocolate pie this weekend).
Holiday Mocktail a little fancier than a fruit water.

Pure cranberry juice an orange, club soda and rosemary. Use a fancy glass, pour in the bubbly add a few ice cubes, pour in a splash of cranberry juice, fresh squeezed orange juice and add a sprig of rosemary. Delicate yet sophisticated.
Come by my office waiting room (we're calling it the Wellness Sanctuary) and check out our mini Holiday Bazar with lotions & potions, healing botanicals, face oils, body creams, jewelry, and handmade ceremonial cacao cups for sale.
Remember the gift of a Massage is the best! Gift Certificated are available.

Special Events at our wellness center:
Rest & Reset Retreat December 11, 10:00-1:00 enjoy a day of Yoga, guided meditation, journaling, sound healing, and a nutritious organic lunch. Pre-Register 207.266.9274
Womb Retreat with Eryn Klemenz & Kristi Williamson Pre-register 207.975.1631
On going Yoga with Rebecca Wednesday Mornings 9:00-10:30, Thursdays 5:30-7:00